Wednesday, May 23, 2007

When it rained.......

Can rain betray me??? I have to believe that it can!!!
Are you true to every one you meet? You dont need to be true to a person you just meet...
I was wondering... sometimes people will be acting as if they're hapy even if they're not....
but will any one dare to act sadness even if they're happy??
What if you're nt true to any one in this world
Now that's a question i guess...
"With great strengths come great responsibilities". I agree.. Well I'm nt a Spidy fawhat if you dnt have any powers??? does that mean that you do
well I can't keep asking questions
I should start to find the answers now. ...
Some one told me its time for finding answers....
do not rely on them to make any decisions....
You're matured enough to take ur own decisions ...
well does that mean you should start to forget people you always relied on your whole life???
Can you stop seeking advices from your mother?? from your friends???
I repeat I should start finding answers rather than filling my thouts with "eternal absurdities...."
Hats off to her... I'm glad that she is matured enough to dictate me... to insist me to have my own decisions.....
"My own decisions" what a thought...
Well time for answers... but I'm still under the shadows... shadows of memories...
Maybe the dark clouds which rained may travel little bit faster than normal....
The eternal sunshine may hit my forehead... then? then what??

Monday, May 21, 2007

Rule # 1 Believe in fairy tales!!!

Rule # 999 - Pain!!!
In order to avoid pain, never do feel attached to anybody.

Rule # 13 - Never Forget
Never forget how much you are loved by the ones who really love you

Rule # 125 - Speak Easy
If you really want to be understood, never speak so easy.

Rule # 88 - Ask For
Never fear to ask for what you actually need to the people you love.

Rule # 29 - Bonds
Chose the right bonds

Rule # 74 - The Exact Distance
Remember to carefully measure the exact distance between your conscience and your madness.

Rule # 04 - Your best friend's advice
When in doubt, follow your best friend's advice.

Rule # 101 - Your dues
Pay your dues, then sleep tight.

Rule # 20 - Reality
Face reality and then accept it, whatever it takes.

Rule # 05 - To admit
In order to begin a new life, first of all you have to admit your own limits.
(For example: if you cannot see enough, try with a pair of glasses).

Rule # 95 - Smoke n Smile
If you really are tired and sad, maybe the best thing you can do is to smoke and smile.

My Blueberry nights.....!!!!

May be these are just thoughts.. i should learn to avoid the word "may be"...
I'm feeling like I'm short of words.... is it just words or am i losing my identity?
I'm losing my experiences, happenings....

A transition of sorts.More gradual than apparent.
More obvious than the obvious.
Cryptic talk? Always has been,here.

Do people suffer often when they fail to/refuse
to speak up?The answer obviously is Yes.I've seen too many people who're too nice to
refuse a task,suffer that way.I should know,I used to be one.

Some day, when I'm awfully low, When the
world is cold, I will feel a glow just thinking of
you... And the way you look tonight. Yes you're
lovely, with your smile so warm And your
cheeks so soft, There is nothing for me but to
love you, And the way you look tonight.

Inky blue dawn.Crows wider awake than me.
Idlis soaked in chutney,me soaked in thoughts.
Bright sunlight,blanching half of those.
Work burying the rest.